There’s something about Brad a queer romance by Qono Vuor Don Hank is a puny, pale and splendid police officer from the city. His life…
The meaning of life is only valuable insofar as it falls inside the logical spectrum of one’s values. If one can’t logically get to the conclusion…
Oops. A discussion about how logic doesn’t get you anything by itself (beyond tautologies) has led me to some more realizations. Realizations about the interplay…
I’m not really one to believe the I-Ching is a true oracle. And I’m aware of confirmation biases (but not motivated enough to keep track…
I’ve read a bit about Buddhism with varying degrees of indirectness, but never read much that was ‘said by the Buddha’. The Dhammapada seems a…
I have a deep mental understanding of what is to be done in many areas, but I don’t do it. Reading an article about a…
I like manga, music, and anime. I’ve enjoyed them on many of their various mediums. Manga scanlators are sometimes surprisingly good. They translate and edit…
Putting myself out there and keeping up a blog is harder than I’d thought. Perhaps because I don’t really make progress in line with my…
Writing is cool. I want to write more. And yet when I start writing, I quickly decide it’s not a good use of time time…