Garden of Minds

I’m a human from earth.

This blog is for my rambling, philosophy, artwork, poetry, research, and anything else I feel like posting. A main reason I’m writing a blog rather than a personal journal is to set the ideas free.

I’ve been inspired by the idea of digital gardens to actively curate the structure of my blog and website rather than just using a chronological ordering of posts.

This is also inspired by the ideas in my post Garden of Minds combined with a panpsychist ethos by which even blog posts are mind fragments with their own beingness.

I’ve ported blog posts from my Jekyll site Thus Lives Zarathustra1Images and math may not be fully operational yet. and from my old WordPress blog. I’ve collected my public video appearances and experimented with gathering possibly interesting passages from social media at the Social Media Garden. I’ve started a Concept DB describing ideas in my own terms, which I think may be helpful to future Zars and other entities. My research blog posts and works are listed on the research page.

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