Shaun T Inspiration
Shaun T is, to the best of my knowledge, the best workout guru around. I discovered him thanks to his workouts: Hip Hop Abs, Rockin’ Body, and Focus T25. They are fun, incredibly well-balanced, and not too long.
His inspirational book is also full of awesome truth bombs: T is for Transformation.
Only today I discovered that he also has a Safe Space Community, a Relationship Thrivation course, a Mood for Food course, and his blog, Shaun T LIFE! Damn, the man gets around.
As I enjoy working out, I often realize that Shaun T’s motivational lines are really fucking good, too. Thus I hereby present them to you:
- Your focus begins now.
- This book isn’t about me. It’s about you.
- I’m all carrot and no stick.
- You have no choice but to use your core.
- When you go to the floor, tighten the core.
- Core strength is good no matter how you wear it.
- You don’t have to have abs to look sexy or be fit, but you might want them to prevent back pain and improve your posture.
- Now as you go through this workout, you really want to focus on what you wanna do for your body.
- Stretching is very important for you to feel completed.
- It’s not about over-emphasizing the stretch. It’s about getting the perfect stretch and focusing on what your body can do functionally.
- It’s not about killing yourself. It’s about going slow, having control, and keeping the focus.
- Don’t run from the work. Feel the work.
- The workout doesn’t start until you’re out of breath.
- The work doesn’t begin until you get tired.
- It’s okay to get some water, but don’t take your eyes off me. You’re cute; I’m cute 😉.
- And just know that I’m working for you. You’re working for me. That’s why we got rockin’ bodies.
- I stress [that it’s] 25 minutes a day ’cause if you get this done, the things that will happen to your body and your life can be absolutely unbelievable. And it’s all done by you!
- It’s the beauty; it’s the joy; it’s the love of T25. Come on 👏
- Now look, we’ve gotta take it to the other side. We can’t walk lopsided, ya know what I’m saying? We gotta stay centered.
- It was one of those, ‘you got chocolate and I got peanut butter’, moments.
- Who are my true pillars of support and who is ready to tear me down if I step out of line?
- A Cinnabon isn’t going to kill you, but beating yourself up over it might.
- You should be like, “here Shaun, I’m sending you pictures for every second of the workout, ‘cuz my form is perfect”.
- You’re in prison by what you hide because that means you haven’t accepted it.
- If you ask for the right things, you’ll be surprised in ways you can’t believe.
- Lunge squat progression, lunge squat progression!
Here we go ~