Justified Theory

A justified theory is a theory for which each sentence can be justified by an argument.


An ideal in ethical philosophy is to find justified true ethical theories for which every claim has a valid justification from truths about the world. Meta-ethical paradigms such as consequentialism make claims about the nature of which justifications are to be deemed valid, and some forms of moral nihilism claim that no such theory exists.


(documentation JustifiedTheory EnglishLanguage "A justified theory is a theory where each 
sentence has a justification (an argument).")
(subclass JustifiedTheory Theory)

  (instance ?T JustifiedTheory)
    (instance ?T Theory)
    (forall (?S)
        (element ?S ?T)
        (exists (?A ?C)
            (instance ?A Argument)
            (conclusion ?A ?C)
            (containsInformation ?S ?C)))))))

A justified theory is a theory for which each sentence is the conclusion of an argument.

A justified true theory is a theory for which each sentence is the conclusion of a valid, deductive argument whose premises are true.

(documentation JustifiedTrueTheory EnglishLanguage "A justified true 
theory is one whose premises are all true and whose argumenst are 
deductively valid.")
(subclass JustifiedTrueTheory JustifiedTheory)

  (instance ?JTMT JustifiedTrueTheory)
  (forall (?S)
      (element ?N ?JTMT))
      (exists (?VDA ?C)
            (instance ?VDA ValidDeductiveArgument)
            (conclusion ?VDA ?C)
            (containsInformation ?S ?C)
            (forall (?PREM)
                (premise ?VDA ?PREM)
                (truth ?VDA True)))))))
(documentation JustifiedTrueEthicalTheory EnglishLanguage "A justified true 
theory is one whose premises are all true and whose argumenst are 
deductively valid.")
(subclass JustifiedTrueEthicalTheory JustifiedTheory)
(subclass JustifiedTrueEthicalTheory EthicalTheory)